Healthy Waterford recognises that health is made in the places that we live, work and play. Creating health is a shared responsibility. Healthy Waterford, through partnership will enhance the quality of life for everyone by creating a vibrant, healthy and sustainable place to live and work. In 2010 Waterford City became a member of the World Health Organisation’s.
In 2010, Waterford City became a member of the World Health Organisation’s (WHO) European Healthy Cities Network. It is one of only three such cities in Ireland and 100 in Europe.
Healthy Waterford aims to improve health and to reduce health inequality by promoting healthy living and providing supportive environments.
Healthy Waterford recognises that our health is affected by the places that we live, work and play. As such all organisations and sectors in Waterford have a role to play in creating a healthy Waterford. We aim to work with organisations and sectors to improve the quality of life for everyone.
Healthy Waterford works with a group of committed stakeholders including:
- Health Service Executive;
- Waterford City & County Council;
- Waterford Area Partnership;
- Waterford Childcare Committee;
- Waterford Sports Partnership;
- Waterford Institute of Technology;
- Waterford Public Participation Network; and
- Community Health Network.
The above stakeholders form the Healthy Waterford Steering Committee.
The Committee is governed by the principles of the WHO Healthy Cities Network. It is committed to reducing health inequalities and improving leadership for health. The Healthy Waterford Steering Committee will create a support structure to address the wider influences of health and wellbeing at a local level. It will:
- provide inspiration;
- facilitate innovative actions; and
- inform the development of good policies and practices throughout Waterford City and County.
What is our vision?
Our vision for Healthy Waterford is to make health all of our business by:
- creating a healthy, equitable, resilient and vibrant Waterford for all who live, work and visit there; and
- supporting all organisations and sectors to do their part in improving health and well-being.
What is the WHO European Healthy Cities Network?
The WHO European Healthy Cities Network recognises that a city is in a strong position to provide leadership for health and well-being. Cities can influence people’s health and well-being through policies and interventions to improve health determinants.
A city joins the WHO European Health Cities Network based on standards and conditions that are renewed every five years.
The current phase, Phase VI (2014-2018) is based on the European health policy framework, Health 2020.
This framework focuses on:
- improving health for everyone, and
- reducing health inequalities through improved leadership and health management.
Healthy Ireland, Ireland’s framework for improved health and well-being (2013-2025), is in line with the goals and objectives of the WHO Healthy Cities Programme.
Healthy Cities and Counties
Waterford is a found member of the National Healthy Cities and Counties of Ireland Network.
The Healthy Cities and Counties approach to health and wellbeing is in line with the WHO European Healthy Cities Network and recognises the need to work in collaboration across public, private, voluntary and community sector organisations.
The network aims to:
- work with, and provide support to, LCDCs to implement Healthy Ireland at a local level;
- provide a forum for exchanging views and encouraging best practice in promoting health and wellbeing; and
- highlight issues impacting on health and wellbeing, and to seek to influence national policy.
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