Healthy Waterford
Waterford – a healthier place to live, work and play
Healthy Waterford is an initiative that aims to improve the health and well-being of all who live in Waterford City and County. We are a member of the World Health Organisation accredited National Healthy Cities and Counties of Ireland Network. We are funded through Healthy Ireland and the Health Service Executive.
Healthy Waterford aims to create a vibrant, healthy and sustainable city and county, which is crucial to enhancing the lives of all of those who live, work and play in Waterford. By all of us working together, we can help make this happen through involvement in our community, supporting a healthier work environment and respecting the places within our communities where people can gather and meet. Health is everyone’s business with all having a role to play in creating healthier environments.
The Healthy Waterford Committee is an interagency group which supports Waterford LCDC in achieving this vision. As representatives from many sectors of Waterford life, our aim is to enhance the health and wellbeing of those who live here by availing of our beautiful county and assets which include our people, countryside, coast, green spaces, communities, tourist facilities and innovative nature – the list is positive and endless.
We know that health is not evenly distributed. People with higher socio-economic positions in society have better choices and opportunities to lead a more fulfilling life and tend to have better health (Department of Health, 2013). People in the most deprived areas experience poorer health and have shorter life expectancy. These inequalities in health arise because of inequality in society, in the environment in which people are born, grow, live and age. The unequal distribution of wealth and resources causes poverty and poverty results in health inequalities (Farrell, McAvoy, Wilde, and Combat Poverty Agency, 2008). Each individual has a basic human right to the highest attainable standard of health (World Health Organisation, 1946). Healthy Waterford works towards reducing health inequalities and believes that each person has the right to have the optimum level of health achievable.
Healthy Waterford agrees with the holistic concept of health which involves different dimensions. When referring to health we look at all the Social Determinants of Health and we explore how each area impacts our overall health and well-being.
Healthy Waterford focuses on 5 key thematic areas in terms of the delivery of their actions. Those areas are:
1. Connectedness
2. Information and accessibility
3. Infrastructure and Environment
4. Capacity Building and Collaboration
5. Local Political Engagement and Support
Healthy Waterford key partner agencies are:
- Waterford Local Development Committee (LCDC) – Lead organisation
- Waterford City and County Council
- HSE Health Promotion
- HSE Health and Wellbeing
- Waterford Sports Partnership
- Waterford Area Partnership
- Waterford Children and Young People’s Services Committee (CYPSC)
- Community Health Network
- Waterford Institute of Technology
- Waterford Connecting for Life
- Waterford Age Friendly Alliance
- Waterford Public Participation Network (PPN)